Friday, June 12, 2009

The To-Do List

Last night, Ned and I sat down with the calender and a pen, and circled, crossed out, and made notes on the next month of our lives.

We're at the point of counting down days, now. Oh, the point of no return.

Today I made a to-do list for today. I haven't kept a steady to-do list every day since college, and I don't want to get back into that too-busy mode of thinking and being. But I woke up this Saturday morning, made tea, and took Nina on a walk. When I got home, I felt like there were too many things swirling around my head.

So I sat down with a pencil and piece of paper, and wrote down:

grade Mongolian class 2 notebooks (35)


plan next week's lesson

wash Nina

study Chinese (Rosetta Stone)

I'm determined to finish the Rosetta Stone program Ned purchased, even if I don't use my skills back home.

So, as of now, I've graded about 20 notebooks, and that's it. It's 11am, and I hope by this evening, all my other goals are checked off the list.

oh, how I despise to-do lists. I would just like to see the day naturally unfold... especially on the weekend.


Gina said...

Stumbled across your blog....what interesting entries and what an interesting life you've led there...and you're going back to the US in July?

Wish you lots of luck on your return and acclamation to life back in the States....


amandala said...


Thank you for your well wishes.
