Tuesday, June 23, 2009



*students wear jeans everyday

*have never ridden an airplane

*will live with or very near their parents their entire lives

*work until they're 55, then they must retire.

*eat the watermelon seeds when they eat watermelon.

*don't have air conditioning, a car, or a big house, but want all these things.

*ride a bicycle

*favorite part of the day is the morning

*drink green tea throughout the day

*have eaten dog meat before

*never drink cold water because it is bad according the Chinese medicine

*don't like Japan

*cut in line

*eat every rice grain on their plate

*women carry umbrellas, wear light gloves or long sleeves, and hats to protect their skin from the sun

*hate mice and frogs

*girls and women hold hands together when they walk

*eat every part of the cow, chicken, pig, sheep including lungs, brain and intestines.

*a favorite snack is chicken feet for children and adults

*store milk, eggs and sausages without refridgeration

*take an hour nap at noon everyday.


Anonymous said...

Lol, my boyfriend is chinese. Grew up in America but a lot of these things are true for him as well lol.

Especially the part about the family. They are like glue!

Megan said...

love late 90s pop music

dress like rockstars while running errands

wear glasses! (not contacts)

giggle non stop haha